A Shout Out to the First Super Heroes

A Shout Out to the First Super Heroes - Kenny, Karen, Jessi, Sam and Alli - The Bravest Kids in the Universe! Remember, It's All About the Love!

How the Super Heroes Club Bullying Prevention Program Works

For Parents

Here is a simple activity you can do at home with your own young Super Hero.

Messages of Love ©
Materials: 1 Dry Erase Marker, 1 Bathroom Mirror
How: Help your child come up with a positive message that will begin and end their day. The longer the message remains visible, the more likely the message will be internalized.
"I trust myself!"
"I am the most wonderful kid in the Universe!"
"I am a kind person!"
"I am learning new dance steps!"
"I am filled with good thoughts about ME!"

The key elements are positive "I" statements and daily visibility. Sometimes, especially first born children, want their message to be for their entire family. The "I" statements do a lot more than encouraging your child to take responsibility for themselves; they also allow your child to know that you are in charge of your own feelings.

Fill the entire mirror or a sliding glass door with Messages of Love © today!

Super Heroes Power Club - Unite!

Super Heroes Power Club Items

Super Heroes Power Club Items